I've been waiting for the new Audioscrobbler site to appear since Saturday, when they took the old version down. All of today the home page has said that today would be the launch day, but I didn't see anything change until just a few minutes ago.
I'm not that keen on the new pink style, and the charts are harder to read now, but I can live with that. I've still to investigate all the new features, but feel that it's important to point out that they've been hoffed! The page might have been fixed since I saw it, so here it is:
I'll no doubt get even more hoff-related traffic on this blog now!
I'm not that keen on the new pink style, and the charts are harder to read now, but I can live with that. I've still to investigate all the new features, but feel that it's important to point out that they've been hoffed! The page might have been fixed since I saw it, so here it is:
I'll no doubt get even more hoff-related traffic on this blog now!